
Eat Kale or Die, Pt. 4

For those of you who suffer from these anxieties over your diet, think about what your mom fed you from the time you could chew until the day you moved out of the house:

Breakfast was cereal (and not “whole grain”), milk (not organic) and a big glass of sugar called juice. On the weekend you got carb-loaded with pancakes and more sugar. Generic peanut butter and jelly, or bologna or other processed lunch meat on white bread went into your lunchbox nearly every day, along with the bag of chips or cookies, and the fruit or baby carrots you dutifully threw out. Dinner was mac and cheese, the token vegetable (probably the only serving you ate in a day and which may well have been from a can), or a hot dog or pizza on the weekend, or spaghetti and meatballs, etc. Don’t forget the ice cream sandwich or cookies and milk for dessert. 

You ate this way, every day, for the better part of 16 years — the most formative 16 years for your precious body — and guess what? If you’re reading this, congrats, you still walk the earth. I’m not, of course, advocating a diet of bologna, white bread, and regular desserts. All of that is for kids, and we grown ups need to take a bit more care.

But not at the expense of our sanity. 

Thanks for reading. Next up, the wonderful world of YouTube Fitness Channels.

Until then,
