What is a “Balanced Diet,” Really?

We’ve been advised to eat a balanced diet our whole lives. The problem is that “balanced” is often not clearly defined. As a result, most people’s idea of balance is a pizza with veggies on it as opposed to meat.

That’s not balance. That’s variety.

Balance, nutritionally speaking, is the proper amount of nutrients within a caloric limit. The amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate may vary depending on your specific goals, but it has little to do with how many different foods you fit onto your plate.

Case in point:

In case you were wondering why eggs are often referred to as “the perfect food,” have a gander at the protein-to-fat ratio. If you were doing a high protein/keto type of diet, it doesn’t get much better than this. [If you can’t make out the numbers: 30 eggs = 0g CARB / 180g PRO / 150g FAT / 2100cal]. When you also consider the micro-nutrient profile of an egg, the only thing you might want to add is fiber.

I’m not suggesting you eat 30 eggs a day (though it’s worth pointing out that the legendary trainer, Vince Gironda, often put clients on a 36 egg/day diet for weeks at a time, with dramatic positive results in body re-composition). I’m simply illustrating how little variety is required for basic nutrition.

Next up, how many sit-ups a day?

Until then, thanks for reading,

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