Study This, Part 3

What if I told you there really was no such thing as “nutrition science?” I don’t mean that we know absolutely nothing about diet and nutrition – of course we know that eating to excess causes weight gain, that protein is important, that beef is more nutrient-dense than kale, etc. We know these things in […]

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Study This, Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1, please do — the following will make a lot more sense. Ancel KeysIn addition to the Minnesota Coronary Survey, Ancel Keys was responsible for the Six Countries Study, which measured the use of saturated fat substitutes like margarine and vegetable oils against cardiac disease rates. His findings clearly showed

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Study This, Part 1

Over the past two years, we’ve become obsessed with “the science,” as if science were a synonym for fact. It’s not. Science is a process of discovering what’s true and is (often) subject to change.  This is especially true in the area of nutrition and training, where the main variable is a human being, no

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Read the Label

Without doing a web search or heading to the kitchen, what is the single-serving size listed on the nutrion label for a package of: Chicken –breast (skinless, boneless) _____ oz.–thighs (skinless, boneless) _____ oz.Beef _____ oz.Pork _____ oz.Salmon (fresh) _____ oz.Tuna (fresh) _____ oz. If you’re someone who already pays attention to the portion sizes of

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In previous posts, I briefly discussed high volume vs. high intensity workouts, and I came down on the side of higher volumes for most people, especially beginners. Here I want to talk about the advantages of a HIT routine.  Truth be told, while I (almost) always push myself to positive failure in whatever I’m doing,

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You’re Not Saving S***

In a recent post, I wrote about the “Healthy at Any Size” movement and how it is not only wrong but potentially harmful. A positive attitude and self-esteem certainly contribute to a healthy life, but no one is metabolically healthy just by thinking positive thoughts.  Today I want to talk about another politically charged health

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Numbers Do Lie

I’ve written in other posts and in Fit by 50 that I don’t believe fitness should involve doing math homework every time you eat. But if you’ve never tracked your calories or macros – ever – I do highly recommend it, at least in the short term. Most people discover that their daily sugar/carbohydrate intake

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To Keto or Not

As I mentioned in Fit by 50, ketogenic diets have been all the rage for the past few years. I also wrote that if I had to choose one type of diet specifically for weight loss, it would be keto (or the higher protein version). Here I want to qualify that recommendation. The pros of

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