Muscle Building

You vs. You

First, take a minute to check out the competitors in the photo above (I chose this pic at random from the approximately 17 million on the internet. It’s a standard Men’s Physique competition; hence the board shorts – legs aren’t judged).   Just glancing at the photo – or if you saw these three dude-bros

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In previous posts, I briefly discussed high volume vs. high intensity workouts, and I came down on the side of higher volumes for most people, especially beginners. Here I want to talk about the advantages of a HIT routine.  Truth be told, while I (almost) always push myself to positive failure in whatever I’m doing,

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Numbers Do Lie

I’ve written in other posts and in Fit by 50 that I don’t believe fitness should involve doing math homework every time you eat. But if you’ve never tracked your calories or macros – ever – I do highly recommend it, at least in the short term. Most people discover that their daily sugar/carbohydrate intake

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