

In previous posts, I briefly discussed high volume vs. high intensity workouts, and I came down on the side of higher volumes for most people, especially beginners. Here I want to talk about the advantages of a HIT routine.  Truth be told, while I (almost) always push myself to positive failure in whatever I’m doing,

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Gym Dos & Don’ts

So, you got up at 5 AM on January 1st, ate a high-protein breakfast, and knocked out your first leg day of the year. Congratulations, and welcome to the Iron Club. Here is a short list of gym dos and don’ts to help you remain a member in good standing.  Do: Re-rack your weights. All

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The High-Volume vs. High-Intensity Debate is (mostly) Pointless. Here’s Why.

One of the most common points of contention among bodybuilders, YouTube “gurus,” and gym-bros is whether high intensity training (HIT) or high volume training (HVT) is superior. As with all things diet-and-training, there have been studies, more studies, and studies of studies. But as I’ve mentioned in another post and in my eBook, if you

The High-Volume vs. High-Intensity Debate is (mostly) Pointless. Here’s Why. Read More »

Get Off the Grid

If you’ve ever wondered how many times a week you should work out or — more specifically — how many times a week you should work each body part, simply search the subject on YouTube and set aside approximately 900 hours to wade through it all. In the “YouTube Fitness” world at least, it’s probably

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How Many Sit-ups?

A common question new clients ask their trainers is, “How many sit-ups a day should I do?” If your primary goal is losing belly fat, the answer is zero. You’re welcome. First, there is no such thing as “spot reduction.” Exercising a body part does not burn fat from that body part. Fat comes off,

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