Everybody’s Different (sort of)

One of the most common refrains in fitness is, “everybody’s different.” Many online coaches and “influencers” (can we please retire that word?) encourage their audiences to “be your own experiment” or “find what works for you.”

There is some truth to this. Your age, training experience, metabolism, injuries — and a hundred other factors — can play a role in determining your best approach to nutrition and training. This does not mean, however, that you are a unique species unto yourself. More accurately, you are a type.

Have a sluggish metabolism? You’re not the only one. Low thyroid? Ditto. Nagging joint or back issues? Welcome to the club.

The problem with the “everybody’s different” mantra is that it can easily become an excuse to fail. We don’t see results from a nutrition or training program fast enough, and we throw up our hands and say, “nothing works for me.” While limiting factors like the ones I mentioned above can affect progress, more often than not it’s a lack of commitment, discipline, and consistency.

So yeah, you’re different, but you’re not so different that you can’t lose fat, build muscle, and improve your health and longevity.

Next up, another fitness chestnut that needs some scrutiny: “balance.”

Until then, thanks for reading.


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